Changes we’re proposing for workers

If you’re paid a salary or wages, you help pay for the ACC scheme. We’re proposing changes that will impact how much you might pay.

Use the links to click through to each of the proposals. Here you can have your say and give feedback.

The levies you pay on your income funds care and support to workers injured in an accident outside the workplace, so they can get back to everyday life as soon as possible. This includes treatment, health, rehabilitation and support services, loss of income or financial help and injury prevention in the community. 

Every three years everyone has the chance to give feedback on the levies that ACC charges to pay for the support and services we provide for injured people.  

Proposed increases to levy rates 

ACC is proposing the following changes to average levy rates that will impact workers.

Account Current (2024/25) 2025/26 2026/27 2026/27
Earners' levy per $100 wages or salary $1.39 $1.45 $1.52 $1.59
Motor Vehicle levy per vehicle $113.94 $122.84 $131.94 $141.69

Levy rates need to keep pace with rising costs and at the same time ensure that the amount of money held by ACC is sufficient to pay for the future costs of claims. This ensures we do not need to raise more money from future levy payers to pay for the cost of today’s claims.  

Read more about the proposed increases to the Earners' Account.

Read more about the proposed increases to the Motor Vehicle Account.

We propose to update the maximum amount in line with changes in the labour cost index and the minimum amount in line with the labour cost estimate and current minimum wage changes. 

View the proposal