ACC and the Minister - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Increasing motorcycle owners’ contribution to the costs of injuries

Increasing the level of contribution towards the costs of motorcycles injuries from 28% to 33%.

ACC proposes to increase motorcycle levies to ensure that motorcycle owners contribute more to the cost of single-vehicle crashes, that occur on a public road, where the rider’s actions have contributed to the crash.  

Currently, owners of other types of vehicles pay for about 72% of the costs of injuries to motorcyclists that happen on public roads. Levies from motorcycle owners cover the remaining 28% of the cost of injuries to riders and their pillions. Motorcycles are the only class of vehicle that pays less than 100% of their associated costs. 


Status quo 

Levy contribution required from motorcyclists to cover their injuries 


Amount collected from motorcyclists 


Amount funded from other vehicle levies 


Percentage of contribution from motorcycles 


Average subsidy per vehicle 


Motorcycle crashes need some subsidisation so that levies don’t become unaffordable.  But the 2021 levy consultation raised concern over the degree of subsidisation of motorcycle injury costs.  

Using the Crash Analysis System data held by NZ Police and NZTA Waka Kotahi, ACC has found that 37% of ACC claims for rider and pillion passenger injuries come from crashes on public roads where: 

  • only a single motorcycle was involved. 
  • and where Police assessed that the rider’s actions contributed, at least in part, to the crash.   

A proposed levy increase of 33% 

ACC proposes raising motorcycle levies so that motorcycle owners fund the cost of single-vehicle crashes where the rider’s actions have contributed to the crash.  This would be fairer for owners of other vehicles who subsidise the bulk of injury costs related to motorcycle accidents. 

The proposal seeks to increase the level of contribution towards the costs of motorcycle injuries from motorcycle owners to 37%.  The proposal would increase the levy paid by owners of motorcycles and mopeds by 33%. 

Distribution of costs for proposed increased in contribution of motorcycle owners to costs.


ACC proposed change to cross-subsidisation 

Levy contribution required from motorcyclists to cover their injuries 


Amount collected from motorcyclists 


Amount funded from other vehicle levies 


Percentage of contribution from motorcycles 


Average subsidy per vehicle 



The cumulative impact of the proposals.

If ACC’s and the Minister’s proposals are adopted, then the impacts on levy rates can be seen in the tables below.  The tables show the impact of the proposed change in aggregate levy rates first followed by the impact of proposed changes that occur in the year.  The final levy rates will depend on the range of proposals that are approved by the Government. 

11 Sep 2024
ACC and the Minister - Open for feedback
9 Oct 2024
Consultation closes
Oct 2024
Recommendations to the Minister
Dec 2024
Final decisions by Government