Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Changing the classification of motorcycles

Proposing to establish a new class of 0 to 250cc motorcycles.

The Minister for ACC proposes changing the classification of motorcycles 

The Minister for ACC proposes establishing a new class of 0 to 250cc motorcycles, increasing the number of classes from three to four. 

And the Minister proposes moving the boundary between medium-sized motorcycles and large motorcycles from 600cc to 750cc as this better aligned cc size to risk exposure.  

ACC reviewed the classes of motorcycles and mopeds for levying purposes, responding to questions from motorcycle owners.  

Vehicle classes 

2024/25 levy 

Class 4A mopeds 


Class 4B 0-600cc motorcycles 


Class 4C 601+cc motorcycles 


The current levy structure for mopeds and motorcycles — 3 classes 

The regulations class vehicles in the Motor Vehicle Account based on their relative risk. Motorcycles are also classed on engine capacity, rather than using a power-based metric, that can change over the life of the motorcycle.  

To determine relativity, ACC compares data for claim frequency and cost per motorcycle for each exposure to the risk with Class 2 vehicles (petrol powered cars). As can be seen in the table below, if the risk of injury from an accident in a car is 100%, then a moped is three times more likely (321%) to have an accident-causing injury and injury costs are three times as high (307%). As the cc rating increases so does the average claim cost per vehicle, even while the number of claims per vehicle (claim frequency) remains similar for each cc rating over 126cc. 

Comparative risk for different classes of motorcycles, relative to Class 2 vehicles (100%), based on an ACC review of accident data from 2017 to 2023 

Levy payers need to be grouped to ensure that the risk relativity — and therefore levies — are reasonably stable. Previously, ACC used one class of mopeds and two classes of motorcycles to achieve this, however from ACC’s review, the Minister proposes that stable levies can be achieved with three classes of motorcycles (and one class for mopeds) and would improve how well the levy aligns with the risk for each class of motorcycles.  

It is proposed to group 0-125cc and 126-250cc motorcycles together even though there is a difference in relative risks between the two groups of motorcycles. The 0-125cc group of motorcycles has considerable variability in its risk profile over time due to the small number of vehicles in this group and are unsuitable to be a separate class. By combining them with the 126-250cc motorcycles, levy stability over time is established, and the levies charged are better aligned with the risk profiles than currently. 


Current registration levy 

Recommended registration levy for 2025/26 

Change in registration levy 




Reduction of $32.99 




Reduction of $53.43 




Increase of $45.37 




Reduction of $53.90 




Increase of $88.80 


The impact of changing groupings on levies for owners of petrol-powered mopeds and motorcycles including the proposed increase in average levy for the Motor Vehicle Account 

The cumulative impact of the proposals.

If ACC’s and the Minister’s proposals are adopted, then the impacts on levy rates can be seen in the tables below.  The tables show the impact of the proposed change in aggregate levy rates first followed by the impact of proposed changes that occur in the year.  The final levy rates will depend on the range of proposals that are approved by the Government. 

9 Sep 2024
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback
11 Oct 2024
Consultation closes
Oct 2024
Recommendations to the Minister
Dec 2025
Final decisions by Government