Give your feedback and have your say

ACC is for you. It’s funded by you. Let us know your thoughts and ideas to help us be the ACC you need. This feedback forum will be open until 9 October 2024.

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Overview - open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024


Here you can give feedback on how we manage the scheme, how we calculate levies, as well rates and forecasts.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Proposed changes to the Work Account levy

We propose increasing the Work Account levy to support people recovering from injuries that occur at work.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Proposed changes to the Motor Vehicle Account levy

We propose increasing the Motor Vehicle Account levy to support people recovering from injuries that result from a motor vehicle.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Proposed changes to the Earners’ Account levy

We are proposing to increase the Earners’ Account levy to support people recovering from injuries that occur outside of work but not in road crashes.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

No claims discount and experience rating subsidy

The No Claim Discount programme isn’t delivering as expected, and the shortfall is being made up by other businesses.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Home improvement stores classification units

A new classification approach for home improvement stores would remove unnecessary complexity in the classification system and improve fairness.
Minister's proposal - open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Professional sports and ballet classification units

The Minister for ACC proposes changes to the classification structure for sports and ballet to better reflect risks of injury.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Interest on payment plans, penalty and credit interest

Businesses and self-employed people pay ACC levies each year. To improve fairness, changes are proposed on how interest is applied.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Threshold for medical fees and treatment costs for ER programme

Medical and treatment costs are increasing. It's fair that we increase the costs that affect your work levy if you’re in the ER programme.
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Changes we are proposing for Accredited Employers

Levy rates for businesses in the Accredited Employers Programme
ACC proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Minimum and Maximum liable earnings

Your ‘liable earnings’ as a business or an individual will determine the amount you pay in ACC Work and Earners’ levies.
ACC and the Minister - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Increasing motorcycle owners’ contribution to the costs of injuries

Increasing the level of contribution towards the costs of motorcycles injuries from 28% to 33%.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Changing the classification of motorcycles

Proposing to establish a new class of 0 to 250cc motorcycles.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Recognising safer riders with lower levies

A decade of ACC data shows that riders who pass the RideForever course are 26% less likely to be injured in the road crash than other riders.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles

It is proposed that owners of battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles pay the same levy as other vehicles.
Minister's proposal - Open for feedback until 9 Oct 2024

Fleet Saver audit programme

The Fleet Saver audit programme has not met its aims therefore the Minister proposes to close the programme.
Last updated: 11 September 2024